Friday, May 6, 2011

Chess Search Algorithms 1: Minimax Search

Here's a series of little things I wrote around 10 years ago. Maybe it's time to resurrect them. You probably would have guessed that from the Pascal-ish pseudocode anyway.

It's all about basic Chess Search Algorithms - I wrote that mainly because I never felt too comfortable with the way they're coded in text books. Here "ref" before a parameter means that it should be passed by reference making it an out or in-out parameter; everything else is a value parameter.

1. MiniMax

Minimax search embodies two almost identical routines for the maximizing and minimizing player. It's usually less useful than NegaMax search (next issue), since you have two pieces of code to maintain. Watch out, to make sure it works always evaluate from the max player's side - this will change with NegaMax!

bestVal: best value for max/min player
bestMove: best move leading to this value

Maximizing level
procedure maxSearch(ref bestVal,
ref bestMove)
if atLeaf then
// leaf: static evaluation
// from maxPlayer's side
bestVal := evalu8(maxPlayer)
// generate successor moves...
// ...and preset return value
bestVal := -infinity

// loop over all moves
for i := 1 to nMoves do
// execute move and call min player
// take back before continuing

// compare returned value: update value/move
if succVal > bestVal then
bestVal := succVal
bestMove := moves[i]

Minimizing level
procedure minSearch(ref bestVal,
ref bestMove)
// really (almost) identical
if atLeaf then
// always evaluate from maxPlayer's side
bestVal := evalu8(maxPlayer)
bestVal := infinity

for i := 1 to nMoves do
// now call the max player

if succVal < bestVal then
bestVal := succVal
bestMove := moves[i]

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