Wednesday, October 9, 2013

JDK 8 under Ubuntu - Part 1

Ok, here's what seems work to set up JDK 8 and NetBeans under linux (ubuntu).

1. Install JDK 7 (there are problems running NetBeans under JDK 8, so we need to have 7 as the default JDK) - sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk After that it appears under /usr/lib/jvm (we'll need to know where it is, really!).

2. Download NetBeans 7.4 from this address Extract the netbeans folder it somewhere (I put it into my home directory)

3. Read through the documentation - it's stand-alone and needs to be started over a terminal, like for me it then start as ~/netbeans/bin/netbeans. Start it, see if it works, close it.

4. Install the Oracle JDK 8 - I found this a little easier than installing the current JDK 8 OpenJDK preview:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Thanks to for that!

You will find the JDK also under /usr/lib/jvm as java-8-oracle.

5. Use javac -version and java -version to see what version is the current default - it's something like 1.8.0-ea and not what you want!

6. Use sudo update-alternatives --config java and
sudo update-alternatives --config javac to change the defaults for VM and compiler to JDK 7. Convince yourself that it worked (see 5).

7. Start NetBeans up again, create a new Java project.

8. Under Tools --> Java Platforms add JDK 8 by Add Platform, navigating to /usr/lib/jvm and selecting the java-8-oracle folder.

9. Open the Properties of your Java project, select JDK 1.8 under Libraries/Java Platform. Under Sources select JDK 8 as Source/Binary Format.

10. The next step might save you some frustration: Still under Properties/Build/Compiling deselect Compile on Save. At least today that's just not working! You have to manually compile! Ok the Properties dialog.

11. Create a class RunnableTest:

public class RunnableTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Runnable r = () -> {
            System.out.println("Hello world!");

Compile with F9 (or the context menu, of course) - then run it!

Good luck!

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