Predicates and algorithms in Haskell
The nice thing about using Haskell (or lambda calculus) against using Turing machines is the possibility to talk about signatures of predicates and/or algorithms in a more natural manner. It is even easier to describe languages in terms of partial predicates rather than grammars or TMs.
So, let's do that:
A one-place predicate (1pp) P is defined by a Haskell expression of the form
P :: String -> Bool
P = \x -> ...
returning either True or False. Since Haskell allows for Type Synonyms, we define as an abbreviation:
type OnePP = String -> Bool
The extension or language of the predicate P - denoted as L(P) - is given by those values for which P returns True. If P returns True or False for every argument, it is called total and can be regarded as a decision procedure for L(P), else it called partial and can be regarded as an acceptor, recognizer, semi-decider or enumeration procedure for L(P).
If a language L = L(P) for a 1pp P, we refer to P as a representation of L.
Note that when we will talk about decision problems regarding languages, we assume the language in question is given by a representation. Another representation could be a Turing Machine, Type-0 grammar or another equivalent formalism.
The Acceptance Problem ATM can now be stated and proved like this:
Problem: Is there a total predicate
H :: OnePP -> String -> Bool
such that (H A w) returns True, iff A returns True for w and False, if not (i. e. A returns False or no value at all)
Answer: No.
Proof: Assume H exists as specified. Then consider the following Haskell program:
D :: OnePP -> Bool
D = \A -> not (H A A)
Then the program
main = (D D)
shows the desired contradiction.
The fact that ATM is recursively enumerated is neatly shown by
Acc :: OnePP -> String -> Bool
Acc = \A w -> (A w)
That should work nicely - more about that when Rice's Theorem comes up in some days...
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